Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Ok, I have really been slacking with this blog thing and I am going to try and get back in the habit of posting regular updates.
My weight has been fluctuating a lot lately mostly due to me going overboard on the weekends, but I am done with that now. I am currently slightly over 170lbs and I will steadily be adding quality mass over the next few months. My first goal it to get back to 180lbs, from there 190lbs will be the next goal, and then 200lbs. I would like to get to 215lbs+ @or below 8% body fat before I have to start cutting again.
 I have been having really good workouts and my strength keeps going up, so that is definitely a good thing. I have pretty much been lifting by myself for some time now but starting today I will go back to lifting with my training partner once a week on chest day, this works out pretty well because now we can get back to hitting barbell bench-press.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hello again.

I have not posted for about 2-3 weeks now, I was on vacation for a week and I got out of the habit, but I am back now and I should be posting 1-3 times a week. Like I said I was off on vacation for a week, and I enjoyed some time off from the gym and my diet. I am back now and I have been hitting it hard in the gym and as a result of my time off and my relaxed diet my strength has gone through the roof, not only am I lifting heaver weights but I am able to perform more reps  as well. My goal is to reach 200lbs+ at or below 8% body fat before I will start cutting again, this should give me somewhere around 6-8 months to do so, it’s not impossible but it’s going to take some serious dedication. My current weight is a little over 170lbs so that means I need to gain about 30lbs in the next 6 months, that sounds like a lot but when you break it down week by week that means I will need to gain about 1.25lbs per week, this is doable I just need to make sure I am putting on quality size and not just body fat. My current daily caloric intake is just under 3000cal, and I will slowly up this to about 3500cal until my progress slows, then I will up it again and continue this cycle until I reach my goal weight or until I notice that I am putting on excess body fat . I have not made up my mind yet but I may incorporate carb cycling into my diet, I will decide in the next week or so and proceed accordingly.